Well, with a few minutes notice the Government announced that businesses like mine could re-open provided certain health and safety measures were implemented. I don’t know how many beauty salons, nail salons, tattoo businesses and laser studios there are in the UK but most of them were caught on the hop by this sudden change of thought and so we all joined a long internet queue to buy various items of PPE (personal protection equipment)….suddenly increased in price. I never knew alcohol wipes were available in the size 1cm x 1cm…or at least that’s what was sent to me. So I can now safely disinfect a tiny paperclip or two.
The problem with lasering is studies have shown (Google my friend Mike Murphy to find out more…he is The Laser Safety Officer for the UK and a scientist) that a plume or vapour is created by the process and this vapour may or may not contain certain unwanted extras. Prior to this worldwide pandemic my main concern was minute blood particles (and all that these may contain) but now I am faced by the possibly of flying viruses intent on shutting down my respiratory system. Of course we don’t know for certain, these are theoretical risks, but as the saying goes ‘it’s far better to be safe than sorry’.
The 1st thing I had to do was a risk assessment…teachers love these…very lengthy document detailing each and every potential pitfall that might open up in my 12ft x 10ft studio. Risks both to me and to you. So out went your chances of a drink or pee and your shoes are most unwelcome (sorry).
Conundrums were thrown up. I am now advised to keep windows and doors open and the room well ventilated. However, for safe lasering doors and windows should be sealed and tightly closed with blinds drawn (think of Dracula).
I won’t bore you with the assorted types of masks that are recommended when lasering different areas on the body suffice to say that once I’ve applied my glasses, goggles (mandatory for lasering) an N95 mask (which makes the goggles steam up in a nano second) and face shield you may have to guide me slowly by the thickly gloved hand towards your tattoo…it’s a shame really that the tattoos aren’t in braille as that would be infinitely easier. I can’t check in a mirror that these are worn properly as mirrors are not allowed near lasers and I’m supposed to remain in my studio in this get-up and not wander out to my bedroom etc. It goes without saying that if you want really close precision lasering you might want to hold off booking in for a while yet.
On top of the above, I will wear a hairnet and an apron over my tunic (stifle the urge to laugh). All well and good if we are in November but as the temp is likely to hit 23 deg + very soon (tomorrow) I’m likely to be sweltering away under several layers of PPE and middle age hot flushes.
And then the arduous dance of ‘what have I touched?’…’have I sanitised my hands?’…..’do I need to sanitise them again?’…’I used that pen, must sanitise it’….’I opened that door, must sanitise the handle’…’do I need fresh gloves?’…’did I touch my mask?’…..it goes on and on….I smell permanently of bleach which I guess is slightly better than lavender at my age. But these questions are most daunting to a menopausal brain that usually finds just remembering appointments and where I put my phone a challenge.
Finally I’m supposed to stay trapped in my studio all day before removing all my clothes on exit and washing them…my eco warrior/conscientious husband will love me running the washing machine nightly for one white tunic
So I look forward to seeing you and your surgical mask soon. Please don’t be alarmed when I come at you armed with a digital non-contact thermometer looking like an extra from Chernobyl.